Monthly Archives: August 2013
1-minute hike: Witherle Woods Preserve in Castine
Difficulty: Easy-moderate. The main trails in the 4.2-mile network are wide, smooth and travel over fairly even terrain. Some of the side trails are a bit more challenging. How to get there: From the junction of Route 166 and Route 166A in Castine, follow Route 166 south 0.9 mile to the top of a hill. […]
Where in the woods am I? Witherle Woods
Carolyn Newbert won the “Where in the Woods Am I?” game for Witherle Woods Preserve in Castine in August 2013 given these verbal clues and the following gallery of photos: Last week, I chose a dog-friendly hiking trail network for my “1-minute hike” location so Oreo could tag along. The both of us enjoyed a sunny day with […]
Death by chocolate and flowers: things dogs shouldn’t eat
This story begins with a walk through the snack aisle of Marden’s, a section of the surplus and salvage store that I try to avoid lest I pick up a 10-pound sack of jelly beans or something equally ridiculous. But there I was, reaching for a bag of Hershey’s dark chocolate hearts. Into the basket […]
Snowy egret, highlight of Harpswell hike
Recently, I was scrolling through the many photos I’ve taken during my summer outdoor adventures for the BDN, and I realized there are a lot of images I haven’t shared. Often, some neat wildlife photos get left out of my blog, especially if the clarity of the photos aren’t spot on (which often happens when […]
1-minute hike: Central Penjajawoc Preserve in Bangor
Difficulty: Easy-moderate. While this loop trail is just 1.5 miles and changes only slightly in elevation, it is a narrow, rocky and criss-crossed with exposed tree roots. How to get there: The parking area to Central Penjajawoc Preserve is located off Essex Street in Bangor, approximately 400 feet south of the intersection of Burleigh Road and […]
Where in the woods am I? Central Penjajawoc Preserve
Carolyn Newbert and Kenny Browning won the “Where in the Woods Am I?” game for Central Penjajawoc Preserve in Bangor in August 2013 given these verbal clues and the following gallery of photos: If you’ve been paying close attention to the BDN Outdoors section, this week’s “Where in the Woods am I?” will be an easy one. On […]
My dog and the mystery garden vandal
A trip to Petit Manan Island
1-minute hike: Katahdin Lake Trail in Baxter State Park
Difficulty: Moderate. The Katahdin Lake Trail travels over relatively even terrain 3.3 miles to Katahdin Lake Wilderness Camps, located on the shore of Katahdin Lake. Be cautious on the bog bridges, which are slippery when wet. A few muddy and rocky sections of the trail also require caution. How to get there: Travel on I-95 […]