Category Archives: Wildlife photos
Wildlife photography tips for beginners
For an upcoming presentation I’m giving at a local school about outdoor writing, I decided to create a slideshow of wildlife photos, just to make things a bit more interesting for the children. After all, who doesn’t enjoy looking at photos of swimming moose, baby bears and soaring eagles? And as I dug through about […]
The time I caught two porcupines fighting on camera
I was watching television with my dog, Oreo, late last Friday night when I heard a strange sound coming from outside — a sort of shrieking that I’d never heard before but was undoubtedly the call of wild animal. Without hesitation I grabbed my camera and headed out onto the front porch to investigate. I […]
It’s amazing the wildlife I see on my road in the Maine woods
I was surrounded by screeching owls in the Maine woods
Wildlife watch: buffleheads and loons in Camden Harbor
Camden Harbor is a bustling place in the summertime, when everything from kayaks to windjammers sidle up to its docks, but in the wintertime, it’s an especially great place to go bird watching. In fact, the harbor is one of 201 locations profiled in the book “Birdwatching in Maine: A Site Guide,” a guidebook written […]
Moose checks out snowshoer in Bangor City Forest
Coming face to face with a moose was the last thing Lyle Blais of Bangor expected while snowshoeing in Bangor’s Rolland F. Perry City Forest on Sunday, Jan. 7, but that’s what happened. In fact, Blais was able to spend a few peaceful moments with the creature before they went their separate ways. A frequent […]
Do you see the Maine creature in this photo?
Earlier today, while going through photographs of a recent hike, I came across this photograph and said to myself, “Why did I photograph leaves and part of a boulder?” It wasn’t until closer inspection that I saw the animal in the photo. I laughed, which attracted the attention of my co-worker Lauren Abbate, who sits […]
Finding wildlife in Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument
Moosehead adventures, lesson 1: Rain doesn’t need to ruin things
Lightning flashed in the distance and rain began to fall, each drop forming a tiny bubble on the surface of Moosehead Lake. We’d watched the dark clouds gather during our short paddle, and with a few words, we agreed it was time for us to turn our kayaks around and get back to Seboomook Wilderness […]